Our Technical Training Programmes

Our Programmes

Understanding Financial Statements

-Improve your financial intelligence-
Why this workshop?

This workshop will train you in improving your financial intelligence and its application and will inculcate the ability to analyse and interpret financial statements and reports, through practical exercises. You will learn the role of cash flow in business, contribution and break-even analysis and to use relevant costs for decision making.

Who will benefit and how?

This workshop is meant for

a manager who does not have formal training in finance a professional or an entrepreneur with a need to have a better grasp of his business finances

Within one day, you will learn –

the basics of business finance,
how to read, analyse and interpret financial statements, viz., the Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss A/C and Cash Flow Statements,
the differences between profit and cash flow, the linkage between them, and the importance of cash flow in the business
to determine return on capital employed (ROCE), the role of Margin and Velocity, and to use ratio analysis techniques through practical examples,
how to benchmark profitability and other operating performance metrics of your business or division or unit,
about cost structures, contribution & break-even analysis for decision making
EVA model to improve business performance.

Program Overview

  • Basics of business finance
  • The Science of People Selection and People Engagement

    Imagine Sholay with Shatrugan Sinha instead of Amitabh and Danny instead of Amjad Khan. That was the original cast. History would have been robbed of the greatest film in Bollywood. And yet it was by chance and not intent that Amitabh and Amjad found themselves in the film.
    Why is it that we go wrong when it comes to people? How do we know that we are correct in our choices of people before it is too late? Is it plain luck or is there a science to it? Is it psychological testing or is it competency based interviewing? By relying extensively on past behaviors to predict future behaviour are we giving up on untested potential and relying too much on tested behaviour in largely contextual situations?
    It was the fictional character of Sherlock Holmes who would be able to predict his client to Dr Watson even as the client was just stepping into his foyer much before meeting him. Such was Holme’s eye for detail and observation and awareness.
    This one day course builds your people skills and will give you the confidence to select the right people, and engage and develop them for your organization and your team and yourself.

    Course Objectives
    •     - Developing an interest in people.
    •     - Asking the right questions.
    •     - Evaluating the answers in the right manner.
    •     - Probing.
    •     - Challenging your own conclusions..
    •     - The art of preempting behavior.
    Who should attend

    Line Managers and HR Managers, who short list, sit on interviewing panels to evaluate and select human assets for their organization.

    Program Highlights
    •     Understanding the job and its requirements
      If we followed a nurse making rounds in a hospital and observed an engineer sitting in front of a CAD (computer aided design) terminal and then watched an assembly line worker, we would see many differences in the types of tasks they do. How can we classify these differences? We might notice the nurse moving around a lot more and having direct contact with patients, answering specific questions and doing specific things appropriate for each patient. We would observe the engineer designing a product and making a lot of mouse and keyboard movements at the CAD terminal, but the important activities are happening in his brain and are not visible to the observer. Both are obviously doing tasks that are very different from the repetitive, visible manual work of the assembly line worker.
    •     Preparing for the Interview in terms of time and place and picking the right members for the selection panel.
      The Indian Tennis Federation has to send a doubles team for the Olympics. Leander Paes is the best doubles player who wants to team up with Rohan Bopanna who in turn wants to team up with Mahesh Bhupathi. Leander does not want to team up with Mahesh. Should Leander( the best doubles player) and Sania Mirza be sent or Mahesh and Sania who just won the French Mixed Doubles title. Is this the same situation in your company?
    •     The questions to probe
      The debate over open ended vs close ended questions. Specific behaviour seeking questions over questions allowing the interviewee to speak frankly and freely. The order of questions to be asked, at different stages of the interview, in order to elicit relevant information and important insight into the candidate. When do you have enough information to close? How to close the interview leaving the interviewee with a lasting impression of the company?
    •     The answers and getting insights
      Real time evaluation of answers to glean vital insight while keeping the interviewee disarmed.
    •     Probing for details and clarification
      Looking for clues and signs and correct interpretation of the answers.
    •     Induction/On Boarding
      Training the inductee into company, job and team.
    •     Developing a Performer
      Understanding psychological contract and its impact.

    Have Question?

    Contact us


    Space Town Complex, Block 9
    Flat 3B, VIP Road, Kolkata 700052


    9433049164 | 9830949164 | 9830049164 | 8697310642



